The passion and our "Scottish" background inspired us to create a noble and "LIVE" liquor, not caring about the modern production policy that has now standardized and flattens everything following the logic of consuming to infinity. Let us dream !!! A common thread unites the diamond of southern Italy with the New Aquitaine and Great Britain We retraced the footsteps of the Normans who, not by chance, trampled the lands of Europe from north to south from east to west, mixing cultures and customs. Their coming change the story. In the same way we like to imagine ourselves in those clothes and retrace those roads. We do it through a small game that does not reach a thousand bottles. By mixing Cognac with excellence and "real" ingredients we believe we have created a small work of art enriched by aging in precious woods for only 5 years. Thus was born a rich liqueur teeming with scents, scents and sensations we called it orange. Pungent nose that immediately transports us to the orange groves of noble, rich and opulent Sicily of Norman times when Palermo was the capital of an empire that extended from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea. Fragrances that open up like the painter's palette with tones of oregano, sharper sesame and hints of vanilla and yeast, sweeter and more delicate. On the palate a well-combined symphony of fruity and complex flavors. Hazelnut and candied orange powder are the soloists of an orchestra of sensations that stimulate the imagination and memories of the drinker.