Any resemblance to real events and/or to real persons and/or real Organization , living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Certainly the Roman evolution that our company has had cannot fail to have influenced the choice of the name of our last assembly in the field of Rum. We said we want to create a Rum that can explain our philosophy at all latitudes and on all battlefields, here is the reference to imperial Rome, a rum that allows the best bar tender to have a strange unusual ingredient. A rum to drink first pure and then mixed to appreciate the depth of its evolutions and possible variations.
Attention, this Rum will end therefore any mixing that will be born with the protagonist our Spirits will not be to infinity. Strange, but this fills us with pride because nothing can be eternal and nothing must be and conceived to repeat itself infinitely. Quality must have an end must change must be affected by what happens every day in the world.
A nose and a palate that reflects the sensations of the "Mare Nostrum" the Mediterranean surrounded by the empire of Rome. A long walk from the Door to Asia Cappadocia through the streets of Greece, South Italy to the lavender fields in Provence to the Andalusian scrub. Dried figs, dates, linden honey, fruit in alcohol, fruits convinced by the sun and caramel, candied apricot, sweet spices, saffron ... a long list of sugary associations. In the mouth it is equally rich, balanced, fascinating, virile, generous, expressive, tireless. Surprising, conquering, convincing, attracting to himself and moving away and then recovering where he had left us, several times, without yielding, no fatigue indeed, with crisp vivacity.