Our Caravelles which conducted themselves with such honour last year are ready for a new voyage so they may return to you laden with new sensations. Along the route of the Cape and the Indies making those who sail there masters of the oceans. But albeit good metaphors aside: our three blends this year have the potential to double up on the success attained by their lucky predecessors.
We dedicate our Yehmon to all those souls who braved the oceans on their pitching caravelles with the strength they had left, after a struggle against that alienated and unscrupulous world which tried to deprive them of their nature and courage.
A blend of Trinidad 2006 and Belize 2007. The nose is immediately impacted by tones of chocolate, morello cherry, almonds and dried fruit. But just a few moments later other scents are unleashed: maple syrup, fruits of the forest and menthol suggestions. The palate is enveloping: balsamic notes again, but with a prevalent presence of tobacco, vanilla and liquorice. A full rhythm. A spirit which never bores us, but also which is complex and fulfilling enough to stimulate our imagination and curiosity.
The first impact is the visual one: a warm copper color with golden reflections welcomes us and prepares us for the nose meeting with a fruity bouquet. Beware a non-trivial ripe fruitiness with complete complex tones without any trace of bitterness. That feeling you get when you pick a fruit at the perfect time.
The fruit notes are accompanied by the sweet plum hazelnut; everything is wisely bound by woody and resin references. In the mouth it reveals itself to be wide and complex, with a vortex of sensations that passes from the already expressed fruit by olfactory up to a spacing interwoven by our most important masters: Wood and Time.